Wednesday, June 17, 2009


OMG!! My most amazing boyfriend ever is taking me to PARIS for my Birthday tomorrow :)


Mai said...

GOOSH lucky you!!
could you just lent me yours? :)
wow a trip to paris for your bday. how amazing.
have a great time! :)

Fran M. said...

That's sooooooooooo great ! XOXO


WOW, that has to be exciting!! I just found your blog through Hippie Frou Frou! Its really cute. When you get a chance (or when you get back from Paris, lol) check out my blog and maybe follow too :)

Have fun!!!

Jess said...

wow, LUCKY! i wish i could go to paris...

Char Ruiz Manjarrez said...

Ohmygod I hate you. Were can I get me one of those?


Anonymous said...

I am jealous x infinity! You lucky girl!!! Hope you have an amazing time.

Kim said...

I just got back from there with my bf, it was AMAZING. You will love it! My only advice is do everything you want and buy everything you want for a souvenir because it will be a while before you go back. Oh, and take a ton of pictures! Have fun!!