Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tallulah Morton

So I never really understood what all the fuss was about - and then I saw ...

I love my bracelets :) xoxo


Shannon said...

This blog is too awesome. =)
I also LOVE Rachel, Nicole and Jackie. Great style icons.

Anonymous said...

Ah Tallulah, so pouty yet so smiley - I get it too. She's always beautiful in Australian Russh magazine.

Love the bracelets - especially the pink.

Look at all that beautiful snow you have - how bizarre that I'm off to the pools xx

life . style . dissected said...

hey girl,
thanks for checking out my site and for your sweet comment!

love your blog, great style!!!


rummage said...

those bracelets are so boho! i really like them. I can never wear bracelets though...they always bother me or other things always hit them?? something like that...but i like the copper peace one...looks vintage

jaleh behtash said...

i love your bracelets too! they add such a fun edge to any outfit.

Unknown said...

she's so skiiiiiinny though....her arms ...poor thing. :) I love the music .

Jordan said...

i never saw the hype either! that video is pretty cool though...unfortunately i think she looks better in make-up.

and YES get the disco pants!
