Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rubber Boots

So with all this snow, I feel like I need to post some fun pictures of me in my favorite H&M summer dress! My boyfriend and i took these in Alabama this summer while visiting my Dad. Since I am not a fan of snakes nor ticks I had to rock the rubber boots :)



ryder said...

actually combination with rubber boots is not so bad. snakes??? uuuuugggg. hate them.

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) said...

oh you look very pretty! what a great dress! so much colour! love it.
xxx LM

Frances Davison said...

Aah, the braided one is just my actual hair, pulled over.
That dress is excellent, such vibrant colours. And you have the most gorgeous smile! x

saray said...

great job wearing this dress with the rubber boots- it's not something you often see

Abby said...

that dress is clearly composed entirely out of summer love.

very pretty town!


Unknown said...

omg so cute!

Evelyn said...

nice blog, nice girl and nice rubberboots;)

Evelyn said...

moment mal, sorry aber bist du deutsche? dann brauch ich mich hier nicht mit englisch abbrechen;)

Wanderlusting said...

Your! Love the colours, makes me happy just to look at it!